Benefits of ozone therapy for oral cavitation in Clearwater, FL
Chances are, you’ve heard of ozone as it relates to the atmosphere, but you may not have heard it associated with dental treatment. Ozone is a molecule of oxygen with unique properties that makes it beneficial when used in various medical treatments. At Natural Dentistry in Clearwater, FL, we utilize ozone therapy in range of treatment options for bacterial and viral produced oral disease.
What is ozone therapy?
Ozone is a negatively charged oxygen molecule that is composed of three oxygen atoms. The natural gas is found in the Earth’s atmosphere to clean the air, naturally eliminating pollutants and protecting us from the Sun’s harmful UV rays.
In addition to its role in the atmosphere, ozone also has many therapeutic uses in medical and dental applications. The benefits include:
- Disinfecting wounds to reduce the rate of infection
- Killing harmful pathogens
- Boosting immune system function
- Stimulating the release of oxygen to tissue to improve healing
- Improving cellular turnover for tissue rejuvenation
- Reduces healing time
What are oral cavitations?
Cavitations are holes in the bone that have not healed properly. They can occur anywhere in the body, but often occur in the jawbone at the site of a tooth extraction, especially after wisdom teeth are removed.
Cavitations can be formed when the extraction site has not been cleaned properly. It can also happen when the ligaments that hold the tooth in the socket are not completely removed during an extraction.
The problem with cavitations is these holes are prime breeding grounds for bacteria and other toxins which increase the risk of infection as well as other systemic health problems. Patients with cavitations often experience symptoms such as “phantom pain” where the tooth once resided or nerve pain in the head, neck or face.
Ozone therapy and oral cavitations
The recommended treatment for cavitations is surgery to remove the dead tissue, however in most cases there is still lingering infected tissue. Ozone therapy dramatically improves the outcome of treating cavitations by killing the bacteria and other harmful toxins, enhancing the body’s immune system and stimulating a natural healing response. In fact, in many cases, ozone therapy can treat a cavitation without the need for surgery.
Once the unhealthy bone tissue has been removed, the next focus is on bone regeneration. Ozone therapy directly into the cavitation can help with bone remineralization.
Learn more about the benefits of ozone therapy
In addition to its use in the treatment of cavitations, ozone therapy can be beneficial in the treatment of many dental conditions such as tooth decay, gum disease, and root canals.
At Natural Dentistry, our focus is always on improving a patients’ oral health and overall wellness through natural and holistic treatment options. Ozone therapy allows us to reduce toxicity during procedures and greatly improves the outcome of treatment. If you are in the Clearwater, FL area and would like to learn more about ozone therapy or natural dentistry, please give us a call today at 727-888-6929 to book an appointment.
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