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Clearwater, FL dentist explains the importance of awareness of oral cancer.

In Clearwater, FL Area Dentist Explains the Importance of Awareness of Oral Cancer

When we think of the word cancer, more commonly known cancers come to mind, including breast cancer or lung cancer. But cancer can develop anywhere in the body, including the mouth. At Natural Dentistry of Clearwater, Florida, we know how important it is to screen for cancer, including oral cancer. By understanding the early signs and having regular evaluations, patients can often catch this cancer in its earliest stages for a more positive outcome. Awareness of oral cancer is vital. What is oral cancer? Oral cancer is cancer of the mouth, and it can develop anywhere in the soft tissues, … Continue reading

Keeping your gums healthy for life: Perio Protect® a gentle alternative to surgical therapy in Clearwater, FL

Keeping Your Gums Healthy for Life: Perio Protect® a Gentle Alternative to Surgical Therapy in Clearwater, FL Area

Your gums protect your teeth and the surrounding, supportive bone. So, they serve an essential role in the health of your smile. Healthy gums also support the health of your entire body. Gum (periodontal) disease is a risk factor for several serious health problems that transcend the oral cavity – heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and respiratory disease. Dr. Beata A. Carlson & Associates at Natural Dentistry are focused on keeping gums in top shape. And we work closely with patients in and around Clearwater, FL, to resolve inflammation and disease quickly, non-invasively, effectively, gently, and conveniently.  The Perio Protect® Method  Traditionally, treatments to … Continue reading

Prevent tooth decay, repair damage with safe and stunning dental fillings materials in Clearwater, FL.

Prevent Tooth Decay, Repair Damage with Safe and Stunning Dental Fillings Materials in Clearwater, FL Area

Modern dentistry has at its fingertips all sorts of dental materials to rebuild a portion of an entire tooth (from the “root up”). However, these materials are not created equally. Some conventional materials, such as amalgams, contain substances that may damage the mouth and the rest of the body. These fillings are “silver” in hue only; they have at least 50 percent mercury – a known toxin. Additionally, our approach at Natural Dentistry in Clearwater, FL, is to support wellness. So, Dr. Beata A. Carlson and Associates work closely with patients to prevent tooth decay and the need for dental … Continue reading

Return your teeth to their original, healthy condition with biomimetic dentistry in Clearwater, FL

Return Your Teeth to Their Original, Healthy Condition with Biomimetic Dentistry in Clearwater, FL Area

Are you embarrassed by the appearance of your smile? Is an aching tooth interfering with your ability to eat the foods that you love? Or to get the sleep that you need to be happy and healthy? Regardless of if you approach Natural Dentistry with cosmetic concerns or restorative needs, Dr. Beata A. Carlson and Associates focus on creating the balance and harmony that supports an aesthetically pleasing smile, as well as a smile that is healthy and supports your overall well being. This approach focuses on oral care, products, and treatments that return your teeth to their original condition … Continue reading

Clearwater, Florida, area dentist offers the Emergency Sleep Apnea Recovery Package.

In Clearwater, Florida, Area Dentist Offers the Emergency Sleep Apnea Recovery Package

Dr. Beata A. Carlson and Associates describe oral appliance therapy as using a specialized mouthguard while patients sleep. This mouthguard is designed for the patient to fit into the mouth during sleep to hold down the tongue, keep the jaw aligned, and maintain open airways. Obstructive sleep apnea can cause a patient to cease breathing hundreds of times each night, keeping them from getting the rest they need. With the oral appliance, patients can successfully avoid these problems and sleep all night long. Why choose oral appliance therapy? The primary reason why patients consider speaking with their dentist about oral … Continue reading

Discrete teeth straightening service with Invisalign® in Clearwater

Teeth Straightening With Invisalign at Natural Dentistry in Clearwater Area

Crowding, gaps, and crooked teeth can take a toll on your confidence, but they also make it harder to reach certain parts of your teeth when you brush and floss. Luckily, adults and children alike can get quick results without wearing braces. Dr. Beata A. Carlson and her associates offer patients the Invisalign® teeth-straightening system to improve the look of your smile and make-at-home care more manageable.  Invisalign is the best option for minor corrections Invisalign® aligners are an efficient and cost-effective way to treat crowded and crooked teeth and making minor adjustments to your bite alignment. Many patients choose … Continue reading

What makes filling removal “mercury-safe”? A skilled biological dentist in Clearwater, FL, explains.

Mercury Safe Removal at Natural Dentistry in Clearwater FL Area

Many “mercury-free” dentists along the Gulf Coast and elsewhere warn of the dangers of amalgam fillings, how the toxin in amalgams is continuously emitted and absorbed in the brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, and GI tract, where it accumulates. Absorption is accelerated when patients grind their teeth or consume hot beverages and foods. Patients who visit biological practitioners like Natural Dentistry may have some of the 250-plus symptoms of mercury exposure identified by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. A proud member of the IAOMT, Dr. Beata A. Carlson and her associates understand actual symptom resolution involves adhering to … Continue reading

New treatment for gum disease by holistic dentist in Clearwater, FL

About gum disease Gum disease, formally known as periodontal disease, is quite common among adults. Caused by plaque and bacteria that grows under the gum line or between teeth where you cannot reach with a brush and dental floss, gum disease is often signaled by symptoms such as sore, red, swollen, or bleeding gums. Various gum disease forms are ranging from mild, called gingivitis, to more severe, known as periodontitis. New treatment for gum disease While gingivitis can be treated with non-invasive methods such as deep cleaning and mouth rinse, the more advanced a person’s gum disease is, the more … Continue reading

4-ways to improve teeth sensitivity naturally, based off of your needs in Clearwater, FL

Ways to Improve Teeth Sensitivity Naturally at Natural Dentistry in Clearwater FL Area

Grimace at the very thought of eating frozen treats like ice cream?  Does shooting, unpredictable pain make you dread the brushing and flossing necessary to keep your teeth healthy?  If so, you may have sensitive teeth! You have come to the right place for ways to improve teeth sensitivity naturally in Clearwater, FL. As natural, holistic, and biological dentists, Dr. Beata A. Carlson and her associates treat tooth sensitivity from multi-faceted angles. They account for both lifestyle factors and underlying conditions that may be at the root of sensitive teeth. Understanding the “source.” Teeth sensitivity is caused by habits, such … Continue reading

Tips to keep your teeth strong with healthy foods in Clearwater, FL

Tips to Keep Teeth Strong with Healthy Foods at Natural Dentistry in Clearwater FL Area

How many times have you heard the old trope, “You are what you eat”? This cliché arguably does not ring more accurately than when we at Natural Dentistry talk about nutrition for your dental health.  As biological and holistic dentists, Dr. Beata A. Carlson and her associates understand that nutrition is a “must-have” to keep or restore teeth and gum health.  In doing so, systemic conditions are better managed or avoided. From detox following mercury filling removal to remineralization of damaged teeth, what you eat (or do not eat) can either help or hinder your oral health. Tips to Keep … Continue reading